Sitting here at the water's edge, I gaze upon the river beds;
Sun shining brightly on the lilies and the reeds,
dragonflies hovering gently in the breeze.
All is peaceful except for the wind,
blowing quite intently on the water and through the trees;
Clouds moving fast over perfect blue sky,
river flowing, water lapping against the boat beneath my feet.
Such beauty beholds the images I see,
a sense of calm and yet so free;
A scene full of life from the Creator above,
living and breathing, the wonder of God's love.
Nothing stands still, and yet there is peace,
giving time for reflection, to think and to breathe;
Some plants right beside me look withered and torn,
yet there's plenty of new growth, and new flowers are born.
I thank the Lord for all I can see,
for the beauty of creation and for sharing it with me;
May the roots of your love be grounded in me,
Your spiritual nourishment is all that I need.
© Stephen Allen July 2018