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Take away my worries, Lord

Silence, pure silence, not a sound to be heard, but how do I relax

when my mind is still stirred?

I try to forget all the strains and the stress, still anxious and worried,

a headache with unrest.

I close my eyes to block out the light, but darkness doesn't calm or

remove any plight.

Maybe I should listen and take your advice, My Lord and Saviour and

stop being uptight, to bring all my worries and troubles to you, for

you ask us to cast all our burdens on you.

You offer your love and care for us all, and remind me that nothing is

too large or too small to unfurl before you, in prayer and to talk,

for you listen, sustain us and provide rest to our souls.

And so I sit, still quiet and still - but I lift up my thoughts and my

weariness to you.

My eyes are still closed yet I sense your light, my shoulders become

lighter, my heart becomes bright.

I know when I open my eyes once again, that my tasks and my actions

won't be taken away, but I'll approach them with confidence and a

smile on my face.

For your presence is with me, and with you I can embrace...the things

that were worrying me with calmness and grace - a new sense of

confidence to get through the day.

"Oh Jesus - I love you, and thank you!" I say.

© Stephen Allen Jan 2023

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