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Feed the birds...

Those of you who know the film Mary Poppins will remember the

famous lyrics of the song Tuppence a Bag, "Feed the birds"...

Whether pigeons or blue-tits, robins or sparrows, thrushes, warblers or

many other types of bird - all are part of God's "Good" Creation.

This weekend marks for many families a time when they (including I)

will be sitting by the window as part of the BBC Big Garden Birdwatch

trying to identify birds that come into our gardens looking for

food/water and shelter.

Some of us will have cleaned and filled up our water trays/bowls and

bird baths to the brim, as well as providing food and much needed

shelter...but do we do this all year round? Do we provide a welcome to

these visitors whatever the time of year or weather, demonstrate our love

and show them that we care?

God's "Good Creation" includes every winged bird according to its

kind....(Genesis 1v21) and therefore surely we can recognise that God's love

is for all creatures and not just humankind.

Will you feed the birds....?

© Stephen Allen Jan 2023

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