One of my favourite seasons is Autumn, full of interest in nature as leaves change with a beautiful array of colours giving us shades of yellow, orange, red and brown;
a time of natural beauty, a time to give thanks to God.
I've already caught a grey squirrel or two having a feast of nuts in the garden left out for the birds and in the sun light or after a wet spell there are the intricate spiders webs with silver strands so delicate and yet so strong.
As you walk through the park or woods there is the crispiness of the fallen leaves under foot and plenty of red berries to see and fruits still to be foraged. If you look upwards on a fresh sunny morning, the light shines through the leaves. Small animals are around busily stockpiling food for the coming winter.
There is so much happening all around us as nature learns to survive with the changing temperatures, weather conditions and limited hours of light. There is a chilliness in the air, a walk can certainly make me feel alive, closer to God, admiring his handiwork all around, the colourful spectacle, whilst also accepting I am witnessing the cycle of life.. sensing that whilst in life we sometimes have many lows, as the leaves fall from the trees, we know that there will be new growth in time, new hope, new joys.
This is always a busy time of year, as we look towards Advent, there is always so much to fit in, in such a short space of time. I pray that today, if you get chance, just stop and look around you, feel the air on your cheeks, feast on the bounty of this season, watch God at work in nature all around you, and give thanks.
Creator God,
Thank you for the seasons you have blessed us with.
As we witness Autumn all around us, remind us to keep
looking for you in all we see and hear.
Remind us of the wonders of the natural world, created
with love by your hand, giving breath to all life.
Help us to waken each day with anticipation, to find joy in your creation, and though the light fades, remind us always that your light continues to shine
and your work through us and all your creation continues.
© Stephen Allen 10 Nov 2023