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A new creation or a bit of the same..

Not the most beautiful photographic image that I have shared on here, I am sure that you would agree....but one that has made me reflect as I started my day.

On my recent pilgrimage in Herefordshire, we did have a couple of fine, sunny days, where the warmth of the sun must have caught my arms as we walked.

Two weeks on, and a layer of skin has dried and is starting to peel.

As I reflect on this image, and in the light of Jesus' resurrection at Easter, how different do I feel today? I feel transformed, a new creation in God's love through Jesus, like my layer of skin on my arm which is getting rid of damaged cells as part of it's healing process or am I holding on to past ways, and not really changed?..

Well for a start, next time I go for a walk in the sunshine, I will put sun-cream on my arms as well as my nose to protect them!....but I do want to be exposed to the sun, just as I want to be exposed to Jesus through nature and all those around me, I don't want to hide myself or my faith away behind closed doors.

For me, just as the weather could change in one single moment on our pilgrimage, and quite extreme at times, our faith needs to be dynamic and not stay in one place but continually growing as we keep our eyes, and ears open, indeed using all our senses to receive Christ in all we do.

So, I like to think that I have changed, a new I intend to let myself be open, to allow myself to be vulnerable, to try new things, to continue to share my thoughts and experiences, that perhaps I may reflect God's love in what I say and do. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, for my heart to burn (and not my skin!).....

© Stephen Allen April 2023

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Rachel Parkinson
Rachel Parkinson
25 avr. 2023

Great reflection

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